True Corp Map

True Corp map is structured based on True Micro Organization consisting of 6 layers starting from GMD, RGM, HOP/HOZ, AA, SCAB, and Happy Block. By default, the density layer will be initialized with President level that show the whole country (or the highest level that you have permission) with density on number port available criteria. You can select a polygon shaped area while analytic data shown on the Data Analytics panel is updated accordingly. To drill down, double click on a polygon shaped area to see children level areas.

For True Corp Map the density layer represented aggregated density from these criteria:

  • Number of houses – Number of house for each area
  • Port Utilization – Number of port used for each area
  • Port Available – Number of port available for each area
  • Competitors – Number of True online competitor based on speed test count (AIS, 3BB, TOT)


– By default, the True Corp Map dashboard will be initialized with micro-org level which user has permission to access with #Port Available as density option.
– You can select multiple polygon shaped areas or multiple grid at a time using Shift + Click.
– Radius selection tool is not available in True Corp Map.