Layers Filter – Upload your own POI

With super user permission, you can upload your own set of places (Point of interests – POIs) to GeoPulse dashboard. The uploaded POIs data will be added to Custom tab under Layers function and be visible by all users within your company. Each department has different quota of POI layers.

Superusers is able to upload, rename and delete POIs in their respective department/company while normal users can only view POIs uploaded by their superusers under their department/company.


Default quota for Custom POI Upload is as follow
– External Customer: Limit up to 10 POI layers per company
– Internal Customer: Limit up to 1000 POI layers (to True Company bucket)
– Each POI layer allows up to 1000 points of POIs
– Each POI layer supports up to 10 metadata

Upload Custom POI

To upload custom POI: (available only for superusers)

  1. Click Layer Filter icon to open layer filter menu.
  2. Navigate to the Custom Tab
  3. Click on ‘Upload POI’ and go through the upload wizard:
    1. Select a .csv file or drag and drop the file on to GeoPulse
    2. Select a column representing Latitude
    3. Select a column representing Longitude
    4. Select a column representing your POI’s title
    5. Confirm upload summary
  4. The uploaded POI will be shown on GeoPulse automatically at the top row.


– Next to upload function, you can see quota used. Once the quota is used up, You will not be able to upload more POIs data.
– Custom POI data is only visible at zoom level 15 (250×250 m2 grid) in Generic Map or at Happy Block Level in True Corp Map.
– Custom POI is also searchable from POI search panel.

View Layer Info

To view layer info for each custom POI layer:

  1. Click Layer Filter icon to open layer filter menu.
  2. Navigate to the Custom Tab.
  3. Click on more info button (1) and select ‘Layer info’ (2).


– Layer info shows which superuser uploaded the custom POI layer and when it was uploaded

Rename Custom POI

To rename custom POI: (available only for superusers)

  1. Click Layer Filter icon to open layer filter menu.
  2. Navigate to the Custom Tab.
  3. Click on more info button (1) and select ‘Rename layer’ (2).
  4. Specify the layer name.
  5. Custom POI will be renamed.

Delete Custom POI

To delete custom POI layer: (available only for superusers)

  1. Click Layer Filter icon to open layer filter menu.
  2. Navigate to the Custom Tab.
  3. Click on more info button (1) and select ‘Delete layer’ (2).
  4. Click confirm to delete the selected POI layer.
  5. The selected POI will be permanently removed from the Custom tab.
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