Layers Filter – Show POI

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is POI.png

This layer function allows users to show places or point of interests on the based map. There are 2 types of POI: Generic POI and Custom POI.

To use layer filter:

  1. Click Layer Filter icon to open layer filter menu.
  2. Select layer that you want to see on top of density later such as Generic POI (Point of Interest).
  3. Select checkbox(es) to show items on the density map.
  4. The select items will be shown on top of density layer.


– POI data is only visible at zoom level 15 (250×250 m2 grid) in Generic Map or at Happy Block Level in True Corp Map
– POI detail is shown in the POI popup. The POI detail is customizable.
– POI of the same category will be default with one color. You can override POI color by clicking the color icon indicator to launch the color palette selector.