Data Analytics Panel

Generic Map

This panel shows analytic data corresponding to selected grid(s). The summary panel show detail grid selection as follow:

  • Current selected grid ID. If more than 1 grid is selected, it shows total number grid selected.
  • Latitude and Longitude of grid(s)/polygon(s) selected
  • Current number of people density
  • Current selected time filter
  • Current selected feature filter
  • Current selected category tag

The analytics data panel displays visualized Customer 360 information as follow based on the selected grid. If more than 1 grid is selected, the data will be consolidated.


The displayed latitude/longitude of grid represents the mid-point of each grid where the displayed latitude/longitude of polygon represents the point-on-surface of each polygon.

Card Category Tags

We have tags on each card that the user can toggle them on panel (Showing Data section)

Cards Available

The analytics data panel displays visualized cards information as follow based on the selected area. If more than 1 area is selected, the data will be consolidated from summation or average.

Card name Data Update Frequency Description
True Application Usage Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers based on their True application usage. This is the actual usage of applications over Truemove H 2G/3G/4G network.
Age Once per release Population age range
Prepaid/Postpaid Subscription Monthly This card shows the breakdown of Truemove H customers by their subscription of prepaid or postpaid.
Monthly bill payment Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers based on their monthly bill payment. (Prepaid – Monthly top up and Postpaid – Monthly Bill Payment)
Handset Type Once per release Mobile phone handset brand
Customer Segment Once per release Population type classified by their objective of visiting (resident, worker, visitor or work at home) the selected area at a specific time.
Social Media Once per release Monthly average social media application’s usage (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
Travel Interests Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often uses applications for booking accommodation and flight tickets.
Music Interests Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often use music applications.
Coffee Interests Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often browse coffee shops related websites and/or application and have received SMS from coffee shops.
Mobile Banking Usage Monthly This card shows the different banking applications used by Truemove H customers.
Real Estate Interest Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often use real estate websites/applications.
Label Definition
– Real Estate Content: Group of people who interest in news of real estate.
– Real Estate Developer: Group of people who interest in buying/selling real estate from top companies.
– Real Estate Agent: Group of people who interest in buying/selling real estate through agents or broker.
Investment Interest Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often use investment websites/applications.
Label Definition
– Finance Investment: Group of people who interest in investing in the stock market or Foreign exchange market.
– Finance Planner: Group of people who interest in financial planning.
– Personal Finance: Group of people who interest in personal investment information.
– Digital Currency: Group of people who interest in digital currency.
Top10 Home Location Monthly This card shows top 10 home locations of all customer segments during the selected time period in that selected area.
Top10 Work Location Monthly This card shows top 10 work locations of all customer segments during the selected time period in that selected area.
Average Travel Distance to Work Monthly This card shows average travel distance from home location to work location based on the current selected area.
Location Profile Monthly This card shows the location profile based on the POI category in the selected area. (Top10 POI Category)
– The location profile is calculated from number of POI.
– This card is available on Grid(s) level.
Gender Monthly This card shows the gender of Truemove H customers in the selected area.
Automobile interests Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often use websites/applications related to automobiles in the selected area.
Insurance interests Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often use websites/applications related to Insurance in the selected area.
Fitness and Wellness interests Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often use websites/applications related to fitness & wellness in the selected area.
Gadget Lover Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often use websites/applications related to electronics & gadgets in the selected area.
Gaming Interests Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often use applications related to gaming.
Streaming Interests Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often use applications online streaming in the selected area.
Chain Restaurant Interests Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often use the applications chain restaurant in the selected area.
Shopping Interests Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often use the applications online shopping in the selected area.
Beauty Interests Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often use the applications related to beauty in the selected area.
Food Delivery Interests Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often use applications for food delivery in the selected area.
Grocery Interests Monthly This card shows the number of Truemove H customers who often use applications for grocery delivery in the selected area.


Users can flip cards to see the description, aggregation method, unit and latest data update date.